Friday, July 04, 2008

I signed up for PayPerPost!

I had signed up for, which pays bloggers to post reviews about their customers’ products. It’s fabulous, considering that it pays good, and opportunities are aplenty.

I had joined lotsa online ads companies since my undergrad days. Back then, Starcraft was "the game" and I devoted a website totally for that game. I put it on geocities, before it was took over by Yahoo. However, it's gone now, but that was my first website, coded using plain HTML and that was what got me started in web programming.

Since I started the website, I then searched for ways to earn from online ads by joining several pay per click and pay per lead companies. It was the height of the dot-com craze then, and companies were paying big bucks for any clicks and leads to their site. I still remembered a certain free webhosting company was paying USD2 for every signup at their site. At first, money was slow, but as my traffic picks up, so does the money.

However, as we know, the dotcom bubble burst, and basically that meant the slump of online ads as well, I mean at least for small-timers like me. However, now that blogging has become mainstream, opportunities to make money are growing once again. PayPerPost is one such chance for us bloggers to make some money, especially since we are paid in USD. A simple example: once you signed up, and make a review like this post of mine, you will get USD 20! (note: this is subject to their approval, of course :)

The things that I loved about PayPerPost (apart from the $) are its great customer service and not to mention the simple and clear-cut interface once I logged in to the system.

In a nutshell, if you are blogging, and wants to help reviewing and get paid for it, join PayPerPost now by click on the image:

blog reviews

Happy blogging! (and earning :)

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