Friday, March 12, 2004

The Hi-Tech Watch

A man is at Grand Central Station waiting for his train which leaves at 6:00 PM but he has forgotten his watch. So he looks for someone to ask the time. He spots this guy walking past carrying 2 suitcases and sporting this fabulous hi-tech watch, so he asks him for the time.

The guy replies "Sure, which country?"

The fella asks "How many countries have you got?", to which the reply is "All the countries in the world!"

"Wow! That's a pretty cool watch you've got there."

"That's nothing. This watch also has a GPS facility, fax, e-mail and can even receive NTSC television channels and display them on its miniature active color pixel LCD screen!"

"Boy, that's incredible. I wish I had a watch like that one . . . You wouldn't consider selling it by any chance?"

"Well, actually the novelty has worn off for me, so for $900, if you want it, it's yours."

The watchless traveller can hardly whip out his check book fast enough, and hands over a check for $900.

The seller takes off the watch and gives it to him.

"Congratulations, here is you new hi-tech watch" and then, handing the 2 suitcases over as well he says, "and here are the batteries."

Sunday, March 07, 2004

life is good! :D

just woke up... now still have the "penyapu baru" feel about this weblog....hahahha
ms faye complains that the blog doesnt have anything 2 do about her, so added this line! it has ur name now! :D

a list of things, y life is good :

these few days sleep not that well, i think it's time2 change the back aches everytime i woke up... but at least i CAN get 2 sleep! (that's good cos sometimes, it's very painful if u have insomnia!)

yesterday's after-effects is gone now, feeling sleepy, but NO headaches, yeah!

altho only have a few mp3 in my harddisk, but everytime listen to some of them, i WON'T b tired! :))

money's never enuff (i 1 2 buy new pc, new Pda, new car, new laptop, new lcd monitor, new new things)...but i still have ENUFF money to FULFILL my basic needs! (the most important need being EATING!ahahhaa)

altho inside my comments box, pui tek (real name : tan liang tek, alpha engineering, going 2 beta soon) says "stfu bastart", at least it shows that HE reads it! (n some other frens read it, means at least there r ppl who r easily conned! hahahah:))

ok la, don wanna make this post too long, otherwise nobody will read it at all, so stay tuned! :D

1st time writing

1st time writing

this is my 1st post in my weblog...hopefully it won't b the last! :D

currently, feeling a bit headache, cos drank liquor in the afternoon...sigh, headache until i can't sleep! :(

*removed due to request* ;)

enuff about the disturbing thought, headache is a bit better now... now waiting 4 my brain to shut down a bit, so that i can go 2 sleep..hahaha....