Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Anal Abscess 2

I just went to see Dr. Vasanthy, whom I frequented very often to do my dressings after my fistula surgery.

There is still pus coming out from wound, even after almost 3 months from the day I did my first incision and drainage procedure at Damai Medical Center in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Dr. Vasanthy told me that it could be a recurrence of the fistula, and wrote me a letter to see Dr. Ravikumar of Pantai Hospital once more.

I came back home after that, and checked my anus.

Shitty, there's another soft and tender 'boil' on the left side of my anus!

This means most likely, I will need another surgery.

I shudder at the thought of going through all the hell of surgery once more..

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